..:: tchncs ::..

..:: tchncs :: TOS ::..

Common terms of use for tchncs services

Terms of Service

1. Basics

1.1 Using this service means accepting our terms

If you interact with this service in any way, whether registered as a user or from a remote instance (if the service supports federation), you agree and are bound to these terms written in this document.

1.2 This document evolves over time

If there are changes, you will receive an announcement by the service your are using, as you must agree to proceed. You can help making this document even better by discussing its contents in our Communityroom on Matrix or XMPP.

1.3 Breach of terms

Breaching any of these terms (and our rules), may result in immediate deletion or remote blocking of your account (or server). You may contact the admin if you think there was a mistake: https://tchncs.de/contact

2. Support

There are multiple ways to receive any support: try the tchncs.de Communityroom on Matrix or tchncs.de/contact.

3. Play nice clauses

3.1 Use of this service

You agree to follow our rules (above) and German/European law while using this service. You will not do any harmful or malicious activities, or otherwise any kind of behavior considered "mean".

3.2 Illegal content

Any kind of illegal or harmful content will be removed if found. It also leads to suspension or remote-blocking of your account. Please contact us to provide details if in the need for reporting.

4. Account creation

4.1 eMail

In order to create your account, you must provide a valid non-throwaway email-address. We use this to verify your account, to notify you about messages or invites or to provide you a way to reset your password. Usecases may vary depending on the service you are using. This address will never be shared with 3rdparties.

4.2 Minimum age

As we want to keep personal data stored about you at a minimum, we can't ask you to verify your parents consent in case you are between 13–16 year old. As a consequence, you must be at least 16 years old in order to be allowed to use a tchncs service. Exeptions may occour according the laws of your residential country. See also: (Art. 8 GDPR).

5. Restriction & Termination

Your account might get restricted, blocked, disabled oder entirely terminated based on our sole discretion, without prior notice or any liability to you.

6. Encryption

A tchncs service may allow or force you to encrypt your messages and uploads using end-to-end encryption. Some countries have specific laws you must comply with when using such a feature. You are responsible for checking this in advance. If we learn about such a law being violated by you, we have the right to suspend your account without notice.

7. 3rdparties

Parts of this service are actually provided by 3rdparties (usually Matrix.org, riot.im or vector.im) such as services in your clients integration manager, the SMS-provider or the integrated Jitsi service. For new accounts, we may use Google ReCaptcha or hCaptcha which we are not proud of. Please take the 3rdparties data protection notes into account.

8. Warranty

tchncs.de does not come with any warranty what-so-ever. You are using it at your own risk. You acknowledge that we do not control any 3rdparty contents and that at no point and kind of warranty is given.

9. Emergency service calls

Even tho technically a call-feature may exist, it is over the internet and does not support any emergency calls what so ever.

10. Document history

  • 2022, June 17: 👶

You are allowed to adopt this document for your website, but without any warranty.
It is licensed as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).