..:: tchncs :: Donate ::..
Supercharge your admin
The most powerful way of saying „thank you“
Thank you for supporting tchncs.de! 🎉 With your kind donation, you make the monthly expenses for the tchncs.de infrastructure possible. Additionally, you secure needed hardware-upgrades of the future – to ensure that resource-hungry services, such as Matrix, can stay long-term. In case of your admin having a hard month but good donation-coverage, you may also support him in paying important general invoices.Thank you so much for that!
✨ Somewhat familiar
Stripe is used by many shops and offers a boatload of payment options. Chances are you know it well already.Donate with Stripe
Processing fees
Due to organisational reasons, and some rough events with PayPal in the past, I'd like to ask you to only use that platform if really needed. :)
PayPal🤝 Simply Bank 2 Bank
Empfänger:Milan IhlIBAN:
How much to donate?
In a perfect world, based on numbers from the past 3 months and calculating with an estimated amount of ---- active users, an average of just 0---- € would be sufficient to cover expenses + a hourly rate of 60 € (brutto) for your admin. As little as 0---- € would already cover expenses. The active usercount is currently not easy to determinate and therefor expected to be incorrect.
Dynamic goals
Generated at:These goals are generated based on an average of operating costs, as well as the tracked time over the past three months. This excludes the current month. A goal is reached if the current month got enough donations to fulfill the target amount. The last goal is a more or less nice to have. It represents the amount of money, your admin would have received, if the time was spent for a customer. This would be 60-75 €/hr (netto) depending on the job, however the goal uses 60 € for the calculation.
---- €
in the hat for this month 🙏
Average cost past three months
For hw upgrades or the unexpected
Including working time (60 € /hr).
Insights – the numbers from the past months, visualized
The following visualizations are (now) staring at the previous month. Considering that just a few years ago, I only received €25 max in a whole year, these numbers are nothing short but mindblowing 🤯. But so are the usercounts: more than (est.) 60K users across all tchncs services. By donating more than the actual infrastructure costs, you enable me to keep going and to invest not only in upgrades but also in my human hours on the project. These are hard to track, because the project is part of my everyday life and things often happen spontanously. I usually calculate 60-75 €/h for clients #faq.
How these graphs work
- Firefly-III
Selfhosted Finanzmanager - Firely III fints importer
FinTS based importer, connects to the donation bankaccount - Timetagger
Selfhosted timetracking - ChartJS
For the fancy visuals above - Hot mess of scripts
For fetching from the FF&TT APIs and building the graphs on this site - Raspberry Pi
To depend less on a not-always-on machine, but still keep this stuff local - Cronie
🕑0 8-20 * * * UTC
Questions & Answers
Learn about how or why some things are displayed on this site... .The machines and other costs for the tchncs.de infrastructure, are for the most part rented for tchncs.de stuff exclusively. Without support, I can't justify these monthly costs.
The 'buffer' represents a worst-case szenario. Imagine media of PeerTube needs to be transferred to a different hoster. This could cause 300+ € of unexpected expenses with ease.
The work I do for tchncs.de is also work that I would get paid for on other places. It is absolutly fine if it is not reached and you have nothing to worry about if it isn't, but mind that the time spent at tchncs.de might be time I don't have for projects where I actually get money from – so it would be great but is not required to get more than just for the infracosts. :)
Because invoices come at individual dates. For example: one host is paid for at the beginning of the month, others are due around the 20th and storage usually is around the end of the month.
Yes, I am self-imployed and not a registered non-profit organization. Donations must count as revenue and are reported as such.